A Taste of Dynamic Dialogue

with Jean Holsten

A Practice for Our Time and for All Seasons

Despite our best efforts, it is tremendously difficult for organizations, families and communities to work and relate together given our different viewpoints, interests and needs. These differences limit us and waste precious time and resources. They prevent us individually and collectively from solving problems we care about, creating gridlock, broken relationships, and frustration. This practice offers proven ways to overcome those divisions as it supports building a shared approach that is effective and practical. The practices and skills allow cultivation of a creative common ground where our best thinking can emerge.

Imagine a group of individuals coming together. Like many, they are weary with the way our public discourse shreds good people and pretends complex issues can be made simple by shouting. It’s time to move beyond blame and shame. It’s time to engage our best selves, together. Learn how in this series—it is life changing!


+ inquire with genuine openness & advocate without pushing

+ value different perspectives as adding strength

+ can expand their thinking with new information

+ speak truth with compassion and room for a wider truth

+ seek a creative common ground for the common good

Bread of Life has offered Dialogue experiences and trainings since 2003. We work with people desiring a shift of culture that allows ‘undiscussables’ to be explored and a productive common ground to emerge. Good intentions are not enough. Dialogue is a rigorous practice that refuses to stop with “You see it your way and I see it mine.” Conscious practice develops skills and attitudes needed to build a positive future together. Our world depends on it.

For years we have helped individuals and groups to prevent and transform confusing, frustrating, energy hemorrhaging, unproductive interactions. Most recently we have developed a framework of tools, skills and practices we call DynamicDialogue™ to provide experiential learning that illuminates the patterns of difficulty combined with practical application of more productive ways to engage. Our programs become practices which are deeply meaningful, challenging and life transforming when engaged in the supportive learning environment we offer.

You are invited to this experiential training focused on the transformative power of dialogue that helps lead communities through division into a common good. Participants will be introduced to tools and practices that can be used immediately.

A Taste of Dynamic Dialogue
4 mini Introductions to the Practice with Jean HolstEn

90-minute experiential learning process gives you a taste of the kind of programs we offer in Dynamic Dialogue™.  It’s a great way to see if attending the workshop series or bringing the program to your work or organization would be valuable. $10 per session . Limited seating: Must reserve your space.

March 2025:     

Wednesday, March 5th, Noon to 1:30 pm. Topic: Awareness

Wednesday, March 12nd, Noon to 1:30 pm. Topic: Compassion

Thursday, March 20, 5:30-7pm.  Topic: Creative Freedom

Thursday March 27, 5:30-7pm. Topic: Interdependence

Hybrid Format: In Person at Bread of Life and on Zoom
At Bread Of Life Center, 1260 Fulton Ave. Suite A, Sacramento, CA 95822

Jean Holsten

Jean Holsten is a licensed attorney and has been the Executive Director and/or staff of non-profits since the early 1990’s. Jean works with individuals and groups looking for more efficient, productive and meaningful ways to engage with others in faith, business, government, community and political work practices. With others, Jean created the DynamicDialogue™ program after training and facilitating other programs nationally and internationally for more than a decade.