An Invitation
Bread of Life Community of Practice 2024
Applications for our 2025 cohort will open Nov. 15 - Dec. 13
The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people,
or gifted people, but for deep people. -- Richard Foster
With foundation-shaking events a staple of life in our time, the “desperate need for deep people” is more vital today than when Foster penned his prophetic statement almost 50 years ago. It is this deep need of our time that led to the formation of the Bread of Life Community of Practice in 2022 with people from diverse faith streams and backgrounds. We share a common longing for deepening relationship with the Holy that connects the inner life to the ways we participate in the world. As a contemplative community of practice, we share a common attitude and purpose: to attend to the depth human journey in ourselves and others with compassion and truth.
“I have the opportunity to share in and witness other people’s experience of faith in an environment of openness without agenda. It’s refreshing to be in community where no one is being convinced or persuaded to do anything other than grow deeper in their own spiritual experience. ”
We are “the course.” The individuals who make this year-to-year commitment live in the knowledge that none of us is finished. We are responding to a deep and personal call to be part of a community which recognizes that the interior work that flows into the world and back -- continually remaking us -- is the essential work. It’s a work we cannot do alone.
We open to new applications annually from mid-November to mid-December.
Dates for the Community 2025
Each year-long commitment begins in January and continues with monthly meetings. The monthly rhythm of meeting seeks to build a sense of community that supports both the deepening journey of members and fresh expressions of their service in the world.
Committed presence is essential for building and sustaining connection and community! Any participant’s absence from our gatherings affects the community as a whole in addition to being a missed opportunity for the participant to grow with the community. Please check your availability for the dates below before applying. Please click here for other commitments.
All-Group Gatherings occur quarterly and are generally 4-6 hours long with the exception of one full weekend retreat early in the year. Given the wide geography of interest, we work in a hybrid format combining in person and Zoom options. All retreats can be attended in person or by Zoom. All times are Pacific.
Bridging Retreat Afternoon – Sunday, January 26, noon. This the transition gathering when we welcome new and returning participants and bless and release those moving on. Sacramento site TBA.
Opening full weekend retreat: February 21, afternoon, to February 23, noon, at San Damiano Retreat Center in Walnut Creek
Second afternoon retreat: Sunday, May 18, afternoon, at Bread of Life, optional supper after
Third afternoon retreat Sunday, August 17, afternoon, at Bread of Life, optional supper after
Fourth afternoon retreat: Sunday November 16, afternoon, at Bread of Life, optional supper after
Small Groups
Each group selects their regular monthly meeting time of 2 hours in months between retreat days: February, March, May, June, August, September, October & December. Where possible we will designate groups in a near geography, so that in-person meeting is an option.
Applications for 2025 are now open
Apply here
“This is a time of great unravelling when it is easy to lose heart. This is also a pregnant time before the birth of something new. Many of our traditional moorings have been found to be lacking. Now, more than ever I feel the need to be part of a supportive community so that I can live into this time with love and courage. It is said that this is the hard work that cannot be done alone. I believe that to be true. The world needs people who can be a non-anxious presence and who are faithful to the work of the depth journey – who are willing to lean into the unknown with faith and trust.”