Coronavirus Considerations and Our Programs
During this time Bread of Life is continuing to monitor the changing landscape of COVID in our area. We are still running our office and continue both in person and remote offerings. Update 12/5/22: As Sacramento County currently has medium community transmission rates, masks are not required for groups that will be meeting in person. Of course, individuals can choose to mask and/or request that others mask at any time. All of our staff and directors have been fully vaccinated.
We live in an extraordinary public health moment and our leadership teams have been discerning our way forward. We want to approach this situation with the same contemplative process that we bring to all that we do. This includes holding the tension between due care that honors real vulnerabilities with the human need for connection. Right connection is part of what keeps us resilient in a time of fear.
We are all familiar with the endorsed measures of hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing, avoiding unnecessary exposure, and staying away from others in the event of a suspected infection. We want to proceed with an abundance of caution, as there is much we do not yet know including the particulars of each person’s vulnerabilities for themselves and their families.
Much of our work takes place one on one or in small groups with ample space. At Bread of Life facilities, the cleaning measures we are taking (sanitizing hard surfaces, hand washing, and having hand sanitizers available) have been ramped up. When we meet we will adjust the ways in which we interact (limiting close contact and touching, covering coughs, etc.) so as to mitigate transmission of any illness including this virus.
Program leadership and spiritual directors will monitor their own health and step back from being present if they experience any symptoms that could be indicative of the virus: fever, cough, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms. We ask the same of you.
We have access to means such as video conferencing that will allow some measure of participation from home. Because the situation is changing rapidly, we will engage in continuous discernment about our response and measures that need to be taken. We will keep you informed!
In gratitude for being part of a discerning community,
The board and leadership teams of Bread of Life