Cultivating Authentic Hope

with Sandra Lommasson

Authentic hope is an act of courage essential to living faithfully and being fully alive – in whatever life brings. Much of what we call hope is in fact something else - wishful thinking, or cheery optimism. It can also take the form of striving for a personal perfection that we imagine will bring God’s favor and yield our fervently desired outcomes in everything from our personal goals to the healing of personal and social disease to the outcome of an election.

Relationship with God is not an inoculation against life or a magic trick to fix life, but a way of being met within what life brings for goodness. As we notice more of how we are already met, trust deepens, and hope grows. We are freed to choose active participation in the desires of God’s heart for our world.

Outcomes may not align with our small desires but bring a strength and integrity that protect against death-dealing states like despair, cynicism, and the apathetic inability to desire and work for goodness for oneself or the world. Hope is a renewable resource that grounds us in the real now and moves us to respond with faithfulness and integrity in taking the next step and the next.

As Mother Teresa said, “We can do no great things; only small things with great love.”

That is the hope, the empowerment, and the promise!

cultivating Authentic hope

Saturday, October 26, 2024
9 AM - 12 PM (Pacific)

This is a hybrid offering. In person registration is now full. Join us on Zoom.

In person location: The Bread of Life Center at 1260 Fulton Ave. Suite A, Sacramento, CA 95825

A Zoom link will be sent with the registration confirmation

Cost: $25 - $50 sliding scale
All the proceeds of this workshop will be donated to our Lagerstrom Scholarship Fund so that those that need assistance to attend future offerings may continue to be served. If you feel led to give above and beyond, please add an extra donation on the registration page.

Please contact the Bread of Life office if you need a scholarship to attend this workshop.

Sandra Lommasson

SANDRA LOMMASSON is the founder of Bread of Life and a spiritual director. Her passion is creating processes and pathways for awakening to the depth dimension of life in the everyday moments where we are each met by the Holy. Since 1996, she has been involved in the formation of spiritual directors and leaders of religious and public organizations, through teaching and writing.